Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where to begin...?

First of all, welcome to my blog!! I do not write enough anymore, and I am out of practice. Perhaps keeping a semi-regular blog will help with this. Plus, life is actually picking up and getting more exciting recently, so maybe I'll actually have things to write about!

So what's been going on? I guess I can start with the most recent bits of excitement, which happened on my last two days off of work. First of all, I got a call from my friend Mary on Monday! Hearing from her in the first place was exciting enough, as it's been a few years since we've actually talked.. But then she told me she got free tickets to the Braves game and asked me if I wanted to go. I didn't even have to think very long, before I said.. "Uh, YEAH!" I was hoping to go to a Braves game this week anyway, maybe with my dad, but he isn't up for much on weeknights. Anyway, we met at her mom's house, where I also got to meet her awesome son DJ. He seemed to like me! That was cool, because sometimes it feels like little kids don't like me. So Mary, her husband Dallas, and I waited for this other dude named Greg, and when he got there the four of us headed downtown. The game was great, yet full of Chicago fans, but it's ok cuz we shut them up. There are a few quirky anecdotes I could share about that evening, but I'll refrain. All in all, it was so great to see Mary again, and to see the Braves shut out the Cubs!

After the game we went back to Mary's mom's house, and Greg left pretty much immediately. Then this dude who goes by the name Tigger came over, and we all talked until about 2 in the morning. It was truly a blast; I have not gotten out NEARLY enough lately, so it was awesome to have such a great time with old friends and make new ones.

So then I went to sleep, and woke up at about 10:00 AM on Tuesday morning. I piddled around the house for a while and watched a few episodes of Roseanne. Then I went to Best Buy (I've been going at LEAST once a week, as of late) got some Chick fil A, and then went over to my friend Andi's house, where we had a Kill Bill marathon! I haven't seen Kill Bill in quite a while. And the ONLY way to watch it is both volumes back to back. So that was pretty nifty. And Andi had just gotten her wisdom teeth out the day before, so it was cool to get to hang out with her and keep her company while she is recovering, although she seems to be doing very well with that. We had a wonderful time indeed.

THEN, I went and picked up my friend Melissa, and we met some friends of hers at Discover Mills for the midnight showing of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Oh me oh my, was that a fantastic cinematic adventure. I am a self-professed LOATHER of Michael Bay, and those who have had any type of in depth film conversation with me know that I am quite vocal about this. I think he is pretentious, which he has no place to be, because he's not even that GREAT of a filmmaker. He kinda just makes the same movie every time, with the same themes, and the same military involvement, and the same exploding helicopters. But, he is good at what he does, and he is good at that formula. Despite my hatred from this man (the word hatred is used here only for effect.. I hate no one) I went to see the first Transformers and absolutely LOVED it, so I knew I would love this one as well. I justified seeing these movies in my own mind by telling myself that my 10 bucks was going to Steven Spielberg, NOT Michael Bay. I will give Mr. Spielberg my money all day long. Anyway, yeah, the movie was great, and 2.5 hours long, and I didn't get home til 4 AM.

And then I slept, and then I wasted a few hours vegged out on the couch being lazy, and then I went to work to begin another week.

So, that was my last two days. Looking at everything I just wrote, it looks like I have an action packed life with tons of friends and I stay busy all the time. But these past few days were the exception to the rule that is my life, and I am thankful to all of my friends who made them possible. If you actually took the time to read this far, I thank you as well for your interest in my life.

I have other big things to talk about.. These will be coming soon.

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