Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back to blogging.

I used to keep an online journal pretty regularly.  It was on Livejournal.  I got a little personal on it, and sometimes felt like I was just looking for attention and pity, so I ended up deleting it.  For some time now, I have wanted to start a blog such as this one.  One where I can write movie reviews, or talk about anything that is a current fascination of mine, be it some tv show, or even a single actor, or what's going on in the baseball world.

This is that blog.

Now the task at hand is to get used to writing in it regularly.  For you, my readers, I hope I can do that.  And I hope I can make it enjoyable for you.  I ask that you please respond to opinions I make on here.  Especially if you disagree.  Few things are as enjoyable to me as debating about what makes a good or bad movie, or themes and messages within individual movies.  My guess is I will only have a couple of followers to begin with, but I hope to eventually make this a nice place for film and pop culture discussion.  Enjoy, if I can get myself in gear to continue.....

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